Sales Document Header Table

2020. 1. 24. 14:21카테고리 없음

Sales Document Header Table Sales Document Header Table
  1. Word Document Header Designs
  2. Table Headers In Word
Document header designSales Document Header Table

Word Document Header Designs

Look for CRMDORDERH and CRMDORDERI. I know the service orders and activities go there. I am quite sure that sales orders also go there. Somebody correct me if I am wrong.rd123 via sap-r3-crm wrote:# New Carrots, Old Yardsticks?# Read Paper: View Group Archive: All,Please let me know the Sales Order Header Database Table in CRM similar to VBAK in SD.Thanks in advance.rd123.Archives: Subscriptions: Group: Subscription Help? of Use: (c) ITtoolbox and message author.

Table Headers In Word

SAP Table Relations version 1.0.0 compiled by Christopher Solomon with. Transparent Table Cluster Table This document displays and describes the relationships and links between the various SAP database tables. These relationships are. (Accounting document header) Company Code (BUKRS) Document No (BELNR) Fiscal Year (GJAHR) BSEG.

No redistribution.See my full contact info at: you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! RD- I was wrong there. CRMDORDERADMH and CRMDORDERADMI are the tables where all the business transactions are stored. CRMDORDERADMH is different from VBAK in the sense that stores header of all the business transactions - sales, services, activities etc.rd123 via sap-r3-crm wrote:# Enterprise Architectures, Business Value# Read Paper: View Group Archive: Mukul,I checked up in our CRM 4.0 system and did not find the tablesCRMDORDERH and CRMDORDERI through SE11 transaction. But Icould find the tables CRMDORDERADMH and CRMDORDERADMI. Plslet me know whether these are the same tables we are looking for.Ragards,-rd123.

You must differentiate between the following business transactions for the transfer of the profit center to the billing document.1.

Sales Document Header Table